Sunday, August 28, 2011

Miracles that brought me living faith and genuine Catholic conversion

The first time you experience a miracle, it is amazing, or humbling, or enlightening, or all of these things. And for some, it may be nothing more than a memorable experience, or perhaps there are individuals who consider it to be just a coincidence that can be explained away. No matter how you look at it, though, this was not really the first miracle that you experienced, rather, it was the first one that caught your attention.

Your own birth was a miracle. The position of planet earth and all of the marvelous variations of life that abound here are miraculous things. Look around, and you will begin to see the glory of God. Then, too, every single day, there is at least one miracle that happens during Mass--the changing of the bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The miracle that caught my attention came unexpectedly, and was witnessed by my 3 children and our very close family friend, who is Jewish, not a Christian. Like the Fatima children, and Saint Bernadette, I do not want to say anything that is in err, or that would be offensive to our Lord or our Lady, and so I cannot say much about what we saw. I also investigated the matter as much as I possibly could. I observed different things that might explain the phenomena, this includes watching clouds, the way smoke from vehicles dissipates, the way insects travel together in flight, and watched many videos and read many reports about UFOs. The results of all of the investigating that I have done do not give me any reason to believe that what we saw was of this earth, and does not seem to have been a flying craft from another planet.

There is a similar description for what we saw in the Bible, in a couple of places. What we saw, what amazing and awe-inspiring thing that came to us out of the sky on July, 2009, does seem to us to be a holy angel of God, full of eyes that was sent to us, one reason being for the glory of God to be manifested in us. All of us have been affected to different degrees depending upon our openness to the supernatural grace of God; and even those of us who are not as accepting of the things of God, spiritual growth is slower, but it is definitely there. All 5 of us have had some dreams that I believe have come from this living creature that supernaturally connected with us. My children and I see the wonders of God all around us on a daily basis. 3 of us have had humbling and sobering visions.

One of my first visions was of the consecrated host that was alive with the form of a white living dove moving within it. I did not believe in transubstantiation at the time. Yet I could not easily tear myself away from looking upon this sight in rapture. I was worshiping God. I was being moved along the path of truth, and entering more into the mysteries of our Catholic faith. Communion would never be the same for me again. Not long after being taught that to consume the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, you have life in you, His life, I was also in Eucharistic Adoration with my children regularly.

I believe that it is probable that this living creature or angel of God that was sent to our family came at least in part because of the Marian window in Georgia. I sincerely wanted to know if it was genuine, and my prayer was from my heart. One main reason that I connect our supernatural encounter to this window is because of the many things that I have been learning about our Blessed Mother Mary since the visitation with the angel, and the angel coming to us right after my heartfelt prayer to God about this window. In fact, I saw in a dream or vision the Marian window, with this accompanying message: "If you have lost your way."

Personally, I do believe that the Marian window is miraculous. I look forward to the day, and I pray for an extensive and exhaustive, thorough Vatican investigation of its authenticity. The reason that I am sharing my story is because I want to help others come to a deeper faith in God, and to honor and share our holy mother Mary with people. It is not easy for me to share such an unusual and special story because I do not want to draw attention to myself. Yet since it did happen to me, I believe I should tell it and bring glory to God, and share it to build faith in others. (Here is another informative article that I wrote in the summer of 2009 following several interviews, about the Marian window and holy icons: )

Saturday, August 27, 2011

An excerpt from my own Catholic conversion story

With so many things going wrong in my life and in America, basically I understood that most people live the way that they think is best, best for themselves, whether one wishes to call that moral relativism or modernism, or perhaps a type of atheism in which man does not really believe in God, but looks to himself or another man to be god. Christians of many sorts also did this, including me. And I didn't know how to be that new creation that is spoken of in the New Testament, but what I did know was that I kept trying to be good and I was good in the eyes of some and yet a hypocrite in the eyes of those who disagreed with me about God being real, and without any guide, I made up my mind at the end of June that it was time to stop trying to do things my way, no matter how good I seemed to myself to be, that hadn't been working out too well. I made a decision to do the things that God, in our Holy Scriptures, said were good, I would deny myself and take up my cross and follow Jesus.

I was in prayer, too, because Mr. Sapp in Jesup, Georgia, wanted me to write another article about the Marian window, and I was not convinced about the authenticity of this window. Here's what I wrote, by the way: . I did not see Mary in the window, and my being able to investigate it was very limited, as I couldn't see or touch the thing. As a matter of fact, I did not believe that the Virgin Mary was anyone other than a woman who had been lucky to bring the Christ child into the world. If she was really so special, I wondered, why would she pick me out of all the people in the world, to write about her or this window, if it was a genuine miracle. I was the true skeptic. I was also a Catholic who had never had any formation in our faith, so I did not even know our doctrines. I was in much prayer over all of this, and I had to do research for my Catholic column to be sure that I did not write anything heretical. It was a heavy weight to add on this coverage of this window, to my responsibility of writing only Catholic truth, which I had to study to write, because I didn't know it.

I spoke to and I corresponded with several people, mostly those who had actually seen the Marian window. But I also spoke to and wrote to Justin Stroh, who had composed a beautiful song that spotlit the window. I was honest with him, and I told him that I did not know what to make of the window, authentic or hoax, and that what was worse, I didn't know what it was about Mary that some Catholics seemed to know, some mystery or secret, why she was so important to them; and he seemed to me to be one of these types, one who had some special love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. I asked him to share with me what it was that he knew that I didn't about Mary.

Justin Stroh told me that he did not have the ability to examine the window either, being in another state, but that he was writing the song in faith. I was amazed that he could do such a thing, just offering himself as an instrument of God to write a song and trust our Lord without knowing the actual origin of this window image. With regard to my query about what he found so special about Mary, what secret about her that he and some other Catholics knew that I didn't, he told me that she is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. I had never heard of such a thing. I am ever grateful for that conversation and for the faith and faithfulness of this Catholic servant of our Lord.

Much prayer and contemplation followed and accompanied my interviewing. I was not in awe of the window image, but I was in awe of God, and of genuine faith that made people live holy lives, and with living saints that I previously thought were dead, like Mary. For I had been invited and gone to a Byzantine Catholic Church, and while there, I poured out my heart in prayer to God for the state of my life and my country and the world. Then I returned to the Church again, to talk to the priest there about icons for another informative article that I would write about the Marian window.

I remember going to bed in awe of the icons and the living saints, and I asked a heartfelt prayerful thing of God. I asked Him to show me if these things were the truth, if the saints were still living after death, and to make Mary real to me if she was really there and really active, and to show me if that Marian window was real or not. And then the miracle happened. The first of many, many miracles...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Convert Stories Catholic ,How did the Lord Call you?

Convert Stories Catholic ,How did the Lord Call you?:

'via Blog this'

My Catholic conversion story begins:
God has poured out His grace upon me. God is the God of love and mercy and justice. God is alive and well and He has created every one of us as unique and special. God is patient and long-suffering on our behalves. Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. The Holy Spirit is always with our Blessed Mother Mary, and Mary truly is our Holy mother, the Theotokos and ever-virgin, and the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Catholic faith is the true faith, and you must care for the poor and needy from your heart of love, no less than you would do for Jesus our Lord. I am convinced of all of this. The short version of my conversion story is this: I was lost but now I'm found, I was blind but now I see :) I will share a little more in time, but this Marian window is a big part of what miracle happened to me, and I am very serious...

This is a test post. There is a place for Catholic conversion stories on facebook at the link. I am sharing my own story there, too. Let's see if this connects to the right place. Let me encourage you to share your conversion stories. How did our Lord call you to our Catholic faith? 

I'll do a little editing so that things are clearer, from what I am sharing on facebook, as I publish my story here in my blog. And perhaps in a day or so, I will be sharing from my blog to the facebook group page, which will make it easier and better reading in both places, having paragraphs, and so forth :)

Let's build up one another in our faith and share what God has done for us and in us. To God be the glory :)!