Cling to your Mother in those difficult times. Do not think that just because you have never given her much thought before that she would hold that against you. Run to her. She has suffered right along with her Holy Son Jesus for your sake. I know this because I am one of which I speak. I did not think that the Blessed Virgin Mary was very important in the Christian salvation message. Oh, boy was I wrong!
Today, I am actually very glad that I was wrong. Not because all of those years being wrong was of any good, but because today, knowing that she is truly my Holy Mother, I am comforted. I share in her sorrows regularly. Today, she shares in mine. I thank you My Lady.
Our Lady of the family, Our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady of comfort and peace and truth and light, pray for us. Our Lady of the Word, our Holy Mother of the Word, pray for us. You offered the Father the body and blood, soul and divinity of your dearly beloved Son for our sakes and for that of the whole world. Blessed Holy Mother, thank you. Be with us in our hour of need. Amen.
We think that since we know the Lord, we should have all blessings. But no, St. Therese says that our souls are being perfected through our sufferings. So hey, let's endure them. And let us lean on our saints through it all. Purification for we may share in His glory one day. My Mother, I love you. I need you today. Amen.
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