St. Joseph and St. Patrick pray for us.Strengthen us Catholic patriots to take a courageous stand in the upcoming days as this tyrannical government take over becomes the law of the land w/o even a vote. I believe this will happen with the socialist health care bill, I figure the left knows it is now or never. If I'm wrong, great.
St. Joseph was and is a man of God, a man of great faith, obedient to our Lord, protector of and provider for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Christ Jesus, the Holy Son of God. St. Joseph pray for us for our families are at stake along with our country.
St. Patrick converted Ireland. He risked his life and stood strong. We need the Catholic Church to stand strong now in America and speak the truth to our youth and lead the pagans or secularists to Christ. This does not mean just the priests or the Pope or good Catholic schools. It means YOU and it means ME. St. Patrick, pray for us and for our country.
Catholics would really do themselves a service and educate themselves on reconciling in their minds things like going to war and worrying about if it might be gossip or bad to call out leftist deceitful Catholics by reading the book of Judith. Also let us faithfully take out our most powerful weapons, our Rosaries. Contemplate, contemplate, contemplate. Amen.
We the People...
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