Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is how to make praying the Rosary even more inspiring

Today I prayed the Mysteries of Light. Just in praying 5 decades of Mary's Holy Rosary, the inspirations are very numerous. In fact, before I even prayed the Mysteries, I was already in awe of the wonders of our glorious Lady and our holy and merciful God. You might say this is a part of that story, a peek into how I pray and contemplate on the Rosary.

It began with the reverent and uplifting music that I heard. It was the holy call to arms. I pulled out my weapon and joined the ranks of the soldiers of the Lord.

I knelt down to join Mother Angelica in the televised recording of the Holy Rosary, and I saw the nuns. I marveled that there are so many different gifts and personalities that all work in unison in the Body of Christ.

We made the Sign of the Cross together. We are Christian warriors, after all, and Mary's Rosary is done in the Name of the Lord, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is such an honor to be in the holy family of God.

Immediately, then, we prayed the Apostle's Creed, and I felt grateful for history having been recorded, and for what our Lord Jesus has done for us through pure holy love for us.

The next prayer was the Our Father, the very prayer taught to the first disciples by Jesus. Who am I to be a disciple, sinful as I am, yet God is holy, and I can aspire to be holy and make it to heaven by His amazing unfathomable grace.

Three Hail Marys followed. For me, today, the Holy Spirit led me to think of them representing peace, love, and joy. Oh, thank you Blessed Mother, for saying yes to being the mother of Jesus, and in that fiat, to also become the mother of the Church. Thank you for being my Mom, because I really need your love and guidance and your intercession :)

"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."

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