Monday, November 21, 2011

Experiencing the mystery of the Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple

During the night Ileane was overcome with one of the seven deadly sins. She had no idea how it happened. It may have been something as innocent as scratching an itchy spot on her body. It may have been an all-out demonic attack. Or some combination of things. In any case, it was extreme temptation that Ileane was in the midst of, and it was as if there was nothing else that existed but herself and the overwhelming excitement and enticement of sexual sin. Ileane was intoxicated and delighted about it.

For many years this kind of thing would have just been a part of life, something Ileane didn't even know to fight against. She used to go along with such lusty temptations, and acted on these feelings in many sinful ways. Some people call it being horny. Ileane called it "being in the mood." Rolling with the flow of that energy used to be natural to her, and wonderful.

However, once Ileane's spiritual eyes were opened, and she had come to a place in life where she had denied herself, picked up her cross, and was following Jesus in obedience to strive for holiness and to love others; she found that she had to fight against sinful temptations. Ileane understood over time that some sins are more easily overcome than others. Some are taken care of through miracles of God. Some call for hard work on her part. Some call for one to be ever-vigilant and valiant in many spiritual battles waged by the evil one, who intends to keep repentant sinners from holiness and closeness to God.

Ileane come out of this wretched darkness after having spent much of her life embracing vile imaginations and acting upon them. She was given no instruction manual for holy saint wannabes. There were bad habits that needed to be broken, new ways to learn to look at things, and Ileane began to submit her will to that of our Heavenly Father more and more as time went on.

From time to time Ileane still struggles with the temptation of lust. There are preventative measures that she takes to help her to persevere and stay pure. She prays. She participates in the holy sacraments of our Holy Catholic Church for the grace of God. She keeps herself from experiencing things and places and people that bombard the senses with sinful enticements. She wears a wrist Rosary at night, and Ileane often feels for it and prays during the night. She has entrusted her life to Jesus and Mary. Ileane reads the Scriptures. She performs acts of reparation. All this she does not out of fear or scrupulosity, but for love of Jesus and Mary.This is, no doubt, why her battles with lust are few and far between.

One day, though, in the early morning hours, Ileane found herself ensnared in a wicked trap with no functioning rational intellect to depend upon for assistance. There was no thought of prayer, or pleading for the mercy of God. She could not even think to choose to fight against this evil, but rather she was strangely engulfed and consumed with lust.

Suddenly, there came a single thought, which proved to be a light that penetrated the darkness and dispelled it completely. Somehow, seemingly out of nowhere, Ileane remembered that this day is the Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple. She did not understand the mystery of her fascinating experience, but it was really as if she had found herself bound in heavy inescapable chains, and yet somebody had miraculously broken her out of them. She had been captured, and held captivated, but as it was now her way to flee and to fight, she was miraculously set free from this captivity of depravity by the merciful grace of God.

The law, the book of St. John tells us, came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. "The most pure Temple of the Savior, the most precious Bridal Chamber and Virgin, the Treasury of the glory of God is led today into the house of the Lord, bringing grace in the Spirit of God. God's angels praise her in song; she is the heavenly Ark." (Kontakion)

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