Faithful Catholics are so misunderstood. There are also many Catholics with an identity crisis. Agreeing that the horror of butchering the innocent through abortion is a necessary evil. Believing that religion is nothing more than old-fashioned superstition. Yet these people call themselves Catholics. Catholics for homosexuality. Catholics for modern relativistic thought and lifestyle. In short, the majority of Catholics in America are wayward lost souls.
The media has poisoned the minds of our young for many years. The public education system has done the same. Everything exists and is shared with God left out. Even in Italy, crosses have now been stripped from public places as if this is good for all people to have liberty from religious influence. (However, this topic in detail will be revisited in another post.)
At the present time, the atheists are doing everything that they can right now to oust God from every place and from every mind, as willing vessels of the deceiver. They believe that they are fighting for their own voice in a place where Christianity is proved to them to be a farce, and allows them little freedom to have a world without the law of God. They have asserted themselves not as noble heroes to emulate with great compassionate deeds, but as a vile army of sarcastic voices all about making a mockery out of God and out of those of us who have faith.
What then follows unfortunately, is that their disbelief is contagious. On top of that, those who call themselves Christian are not walking the walk, but only talking the talk. So who do our young people believe? They believe what is being put before them, that Christians are hypocrites, being provided with yet another example of such. Of course, there is little mention of pagans committing crimes against humanity and horrific attacks by extremist Muslims practicing Islamic terror. There is nothing shared in the secular media about the sinfulness of all mankind.
In fact, our great nation is under attack from the forces of evil from every direction. The faces change constantly to make the unwitting accept evil as good. Standing against this onslaught, taking my place in the holy battle, with God's help, the reason for this blog is to shed light on things, and to gain insight from others who are also soldiers of the Light. There are many things to think about and to share--and to change, if we are able. There are many issues to write about as evil rages on in so many forms.
It is with a heavy heart that this first post is created. Opinions abound. This blog exists for openness, clarification, and truth. What is truth? Who is foolish and who is wise? These questions become resolved in the source of wisdom and truth--our God.
Those who do not have much use for God, yet have conservative values, have learned to distinguish good from evil mostly through parents or grandparents who believed in God. Yet children are now being raised without any knowledge of these values and principles being Judeo-Christian at their root. Being a Christian does not make one a good and holy person, however, Christianity does create a solid basis for knowing what is right and wrong. That taking the life of an unborn innocent human being is cruel and inhumane murder, among other things.
Presently, the Senate is in the process of trying to force a health care reform upon the citizens of the United States, and the immoral legislation of having to pay for abortions whether one agrees with this so-called "choice" or not. This is evil. Morals are legislated. So, too, is immorality. Those who say this isn't true are lying to themselves.
It is time to stand up and take action against these types of evils. Whether in our Churches, in our political arena, in the many venues of media, in public education, and in every other place that compromising our values and principles rears it's ugly head, be encouraged to stand with me to expose evil and pray against evil and to actively do something to halt or prevent evil.
Archbishop Chaput of Denver is a signatory of the Manhattan Declaration. He stated:
“Now and always, we need to trust in God; and then we also need to act. Right here, right now, in this country, the work of organizing and struggling in the public square for what we believe belongs to us. That means all of us, and each of us."
It is time to hold one another accountable. It is time to repent. It is time to return to God. It is time to defend the faith. And it is time to take our country back! One place to begin is by signing the Manhattan Declaration available here: http://www.manhattandeclaration.org/ May God continue to bless America. Amen.
(If and when I figure out how to add a video, I'll add this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xptMzgsyBrQ )
(If and when I figure out how to add a video, I'll add this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xptMzgsyBrQ )
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